Eileen McDargh is founder and CEO of the consulting firm, The Resilient Spirit. She teaches organizations like Cisco, Novartis, Oracle, and Procter & Gamble ways of building resilient leadership teams and workplaces.
Novartis’s Dr. Rob Kowlaski, Senior VP and Global Head of Drug Regulatory Affairs and U.S. Head of Development, says, “The weeks Eileen spent working with [my senior leadership team] were a magical time in all our careers. Through our work with her, we became stronger leaders, and banded together to become a high-performing transformative team.”
Please describe your day in one phrase? Filled quadrants of mental, emotional, spiritual and physical.
How do you start your day? With 20 minutes of prayer and meditation: chanting using a mala and reading the daily meditation from Celtic Benediction and The Daily Word.

What are your daily habits that make you more productive each day? Exercise after meditation.
What is the average start and end times for your day? 4:00am until 8:30pm
What is your role and what does it entail on a daily basis? I am the CEO of my enterprise so the role is as a writer, consultant, marketer, speaker. I also switch hats to be a wife and homemaker.
What is the tech that you use on a daily basis? Desktop MAC, MacAir, I-Phone.
What Mobile Apps do you use on your phone? Too many to mention but the top ones are related to travel, weather, and my FitBit.
What Apps, software, and tools can’t you live without? Office for MAC, Dropbox, Email and ICS calendar.

What is your workspace set up like? Windows on 2 sides, uncluttered space but still with pictures of family and friends, “dolls” and flowers.
What is your best time-saving shortcut you can share? Clean as you go. Have a fabulous house-husband.
How do you manage your To-Do List/ Calendar/ Email/ Notes etc..? All on Mac tools. Would like to be proficient in Evernote but I am not.
What gadgets do you use that you can’t live without? Computer and i-phone. Toothbrush and hairdryer
What everyday thing are you better at than everyone else? Making connections with people.

Do you listen to music while working and if so, what? No.
What are you currently reading? Too many books to read line my shelves. Just finished The Power of Positive Deviance and Flight Behavior.
When do you take your breaks during the day and what do you do? No specific time. I get up and walk to the beach or out to my garden.
What websites steal your attention? Can get caught on reading about my friends on Facebook but not often.
How do you end your day? Reading and, if not too tired, writing in my gratitude journal.
What is your sleep routine like? 7-8 hours

Is there anything else that you would like to add, that our readers may find interesting? I raise monarch butterflies—or at least try and help their species. I am an exercise addict and find it hard to get moving in my brain if my body hasn’t moved first.