Wayne Duvenage is the Chairperson of Opposition to Urban Tolling Alliance, a civil action group of business associations and individual. He is the ex-CEO of Avis Rent a Car and has vast experience in assisting businesses to entrench a highly effective service excellence and customer centric output throughout all levels within an organization.
I Am Driven By | My car. Or is it I who drives the car? On a serious note though, good people who exercise the power of active citizenry does it for me, fueled by the sad reality of greed and its and its devastating negative impact on what ought to be successful societies. Nepotism, cronyism, ineptitude, irrational policies and maladministration within societal structures, arise almost all the time through people trying to exercise control for personal gain. We must fight this.
My Highlights | It may sound predictable, but raising three children with my wife, all of whom have a beautiful outlook on life is a big highlight in my life. Career wise, it was to take the corporate entity I was Chief Executive of, slightly beyond the boundaries of normal business. To introduce sustainable business practices, learn about carbon neutrality and the impact we have on our planet. Then, to challenge our government on the grossly irrational policy of e-tolling an existing freeway network.
The Difference Between good And Great | People who are great at what they do, appreciate the impact of their actions on others.
I Don’t Regard Myself As Talented But | I think my parents instilled a few strengths that have stood me in good stead. One such strength that has aided my growth time and time again, is not to fear reprisals of standing up for what you believe is right, as uncomfortable as the situation might be. Caution must however be taken to ignore the trivial stuff, let those go with little fuss. It is however on the principled and bigger issues that one needs to be accountable by standing ones ground. On many occasion, this approach could have cost me my job, but instead, the outcomes were inevitably good and uplifting. In most of these situations, it would have been easier to walk away and let it be, but somehow I knew the message, the learning and the outcomes for all concerned would have been lost or wasted. This approach means having the facts and not letting arrogance or pettiness get in the way.
Principles I live By | Honesty and humanity. We live to improve not only the lives of ourselves, but of others and society as a whole. If we take our eyes off that ball, we become selfish, inwardly focuses and we stifle our growth.
Critical Skills I Work On | Listening is a critical skill that all good leaders need. I am not a good listener. It frustrates me, because I know I could achieve so much more were this so. Thus, I work on improving this skill every day.
Performing At My Peak | Get enough sleep, exercise (even if a little), eat well, take your supplements and undertake regular medical check-ups. That’s what I should do, but I’m afraid I fall short on many of these. However, having been close to burn-out’s door before, I take good care of my health in this regard. I’ve seen the impact of workplace stress and burn-out on executives before and it’s not pleasant.
Resources I Use To Stay Inspired | People. I meet as many people as I can to help me understand the world and environments better. Face to face contact with people provides the greatest insights.
My Dream | To farm, sustain-ably and to teach others to do the same.
The Meaning Of Life | To laugh with gusto, from deep with-in. If your grandchild asks you one day “did you enjoy most of your time on this earth?” you’d better be able to answer, emphatically and without hesitation “yes”.
Best Advice I Have Received | Never to sleep with snakes, both literally and figuratively.
Advice On Getting Rich | Don’t focus on the money.
The Legacy I Want To Leave | For people to know that the change you want to see is within.