Brenda Andress | Commissioner of Canadian Women’s Hockey League & Founder of Passion Productions

Brenda Andress

Brenda Andress, also known as the “Thought Leader ” is currently the Commissioner of the Canadian Women’s National Hockey League. Brenda leads the CWHL as they create the first women’s professional hockey league. Brenda has always dedicated herself to her dreams with the strength of passion that enabled her to achieve them and now brings this expertise to the CWHL.

Brenda-Andress_P1My Definition Of Success | Yes my definition has changed immensely over the years.  When I was younger I measured success by my accomplishments and the amount of money I had.  Life lessons teach you directly if you are willing to learn.



I Am Driven By |  MY Passion for life, laughter and family.

My Highlights | The highlights of my life are my children and Grandchildren and the ability to share in their love and watch them grow into their own lives.  My career highlights are watching my staff grow and become what they were meant to be in life.  The YWCA and WXN award given by women for women was also a highlight.

The Difference Between Good And Great | All people are great at what they do, when they choose to be what they were born to be.  When you are trying to be someone else, you are only personating them and therefore only good at being them and not great at being you.

Brenda-Andress_P2A Key Talent | My talent and strength is to listen to me and allowing myself to be guided by the voice inside.  “YES I CAN” So many times we return to the scene of the crime at a point in our life only to hear our inside voice say; “I knew I should not have done that, or taken that job, or dated that person”   I am responsible for me and my journey and no one else.  The art of letting go of that which keep us from obtaining our goals. I follow what makes me feel alive and happy and let go of the things in life that we carry that bogs me down. And the most important strength I have is to realize that everyone around me is bringing a message and my job is to hear it and then act on it with truth and integrity.

How I Use My Mind | LOL…My mind uses me and I challenge it to tell me the truth and not what it believes.  A small question, of, is that true, when a thought enters your mind can be the difference in you being calm or upset.

Lessons I Have Learnt |  That life is short and you’re in charge. YOU CHOOSE, you might be given all types of lessons and detours of hardship, but you still get to choose what happens to you and how you act and react to that curve ball.

Performing At My Peak | I close my eyes breath in and out and with each breath I say; “breath in love, breath out love”  then next I say; “ do not believe their words or your thoughts, only my heart talks of truth”

Brenda-Andress_P3Resources I Use To Stay Inspired |  Everything that makes me feel calm and brings a smile to my face.  I walk into a store or friends house and watch for what I should read or hear next.

The Meaning Of Life | To experience happiness and love


I Am Inspired By | My hero inside of me inspires me and everyone I come in contact with are my role models for they let me know what I need to know for my own growth.

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